Sunday, June 3, 2012

Virtual Schools

Article Here
A good article that shows how virtual schools are joining in with traditional schools instead of being against them.  The author uses good details of his own past experiences.  The district I teach in uses virtual schools for the alternative education, credit recovery program after school, and for summer school. It has helped more students who may have slipped through the cracks be successful and graduate from our district.


  1. As you noticed, I commented on this article in my blog as well! From a counseling standpoint, I like the e2020 programs for credit recovery and summer school; from a teaching standpoint, I worry that students aren't really "getting" what they need from e2020 to be successful on state tests. I think virtual schools are a tremendous help in an alternative sense, but I wonder how well they truly prepare students.

  2. I too read this article and found it interesting how many states and districts are taking on the virtual schools. In Florida, virtual schools are available from K-12. Like the comment above mentions above not all students are "cut out" for virtual school. The students have to be self-motivated and be able to manage their time effectively. I am all for the offering and traditional school teaming with virtual schools, but I think students need the social interaction with face-to-face instruction, especially when they are young.

  3. My school also has some credit recovery options for students who have fallen behind. I sort of feel it is just another way to get the students a degree even if it is not the same rigor as the traditional classrooms. I hope my school chooses to give all of students some virtual class options in the near future. I think all students could benefit from it.
